Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thank you!

I would like to say thank you to some amazingly generous people who have given me gifts!
Alexurt: thank you for gifting me: Lantern of Morocco, Haute Hip Wall Tree Light, Celestial Serenity Lamp, The Happy Elephant and Mystic Mushrooms!
Blacksheba1973: thank you for: Bow Toe!
Donnafelipe1, thank you for: Carol's Tanktop!
SimGuruPopTart, thank you for: Aromatic Decor and Reach for the Heavens!
Cherryberrybloo thank you for: Faire Folk Furnishings + Attire !

You are all wonderful people and I wish I had the money to buy you all the things you deserve! Thank you so much :)


  1. You're welcome! (<--- Cherry) I have three blogs going at any given moment, and they all show me as Heather, and people are like who the heck is Heather? And... I'm blathering, but it is me! Sooo, again, you're welcome! And I think the Nyx's house is super cute! A little voice in my head actually went "Eeeee! Cute!" when I first saw it. I gonna go away now... lol!

  2. Pssst, go check my blog, you have a cozy new link at the top of my page! :)
