Friday, February 18, 2011

New CC & Simself Pics

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I have been a bit lost as far as to what to do in my game. I know that I want to play a legacy of some kind with Valentina but I'm just not sure what. Which is why I haven't done anything haha. Its like writers block but for Sims!

So I picked up a bunch of new CC yesterday so I updated my 'CC I Use' page. I'm so excited to finally have a pretty cc skin and eyes! I've been wanting to use them for awhile now but I was scared that I would download the wrong type and didn't fully understand all the default vs. non default stuff. But now I do thanks to some friends helping me out!
Thanks Bella & Wibs

I'm still going through the CC that I got an scoping it out in game to see if its a keeper or not.

I also created my new Simself with the new cc! I'm having an issue with the Sim uploading in the launcher but here are some pictures! I'll post the download links once I am able to upload.

Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Fitness: Lanky
Weight: Boney
Sub Type: Human
Traits: Clumsy, Good Sense Of Humor, Neurotic, Frugal, Friendly

Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Favorite Music: Electronica
Favorite Color: Purple
LTW: Fashion Phenomenon

Download Here

CC - you need to download

CC - comes with the sim

Store Items
Expansions Needed
World Adventures
Late Night

Scanned with Custard & Dashboard 

My Download Rules
1. If you download a sim or home of mine, please do not reupload it to the exchange or claim it as your own.

2. You are more than welcome to use my sims or homes in a story/legacy but please let it be known that it is my creation if you make they story/legacy public.

3. Enjoy!


  1. She's sooo pretty! Great job.

    I would suggest doing a wishacy with Valentina, it's really fun and an interesting way to play the game! Here's a link to the rules:

    I am playing one currently, Im on my third generation. Cherryberrybloo is in the process of starting one as well. The group of people who are doing them are so friendly and inviting. (Buckerygirl, itsjulie, cyzurai, and a couple more) Here's a link to the thread:

    Hope you join us! :)

  2. Oo thank you so much, Whisp! I'm going to go read the links now :)
